Monday, May 14, 2012


Now carries cross stitch stuff!!!! They have a pretty good selection of DMC floss, a few aida fabrics and a decent selection of kits. The kits are unfortunately not to my taste but that is not the point here, the point is that they have it at all. I was browsing through the craft section and I walked right by it and did a double take and then just stared like an idiot for a few moments. My husband was with me and he asked if that meant fewer trips to Hobby Lobby lol.


  1. I noticed a walmart near me had some cross stitch kits and some of the dmc thread. It wasn't the whole collection of thread. It was four rows of cross stitch thread. I was hoping they would carry the whole coplete dmc thread. I t was in the celebration area of store that was near greeting cards.

    1. Yea it was only four rows of the DMC thread, I'm assuming in the most popular colors. Even though its not a big selection I was just so happy to see it there at all. Plus we go there a lot so now I can look at something I enjoy on the trips there.
