Monday, May 7, 2012

Post of Shame

This shall be my post of shame. I have already told you all the projects I have started and now its time to show you how sad my progress truly is.

First we have the Whole Lotta Latte. I haven't even finished one cup. This poor kit has been neglected for years. I feel kinda bad for it. Oddly enough I still have the charts and its actually with everything. Now if only I would start working on it again, however since its on black aida its most definitely a daytime sitting in front of the window type project.
Pikachu Pile has got to be the cutest pattern I have started. I have a good amount of work done on it but like I said in my previous post the fabric is barely big enough for the design let alone to frame it. The husband really wants this one though and our five year wedding anniversary is just around the corner so maybe if I work on it while he's at work I could get it done. If I don't make it for that maybe his birthday.
Next we have the Haunted Mansion. I was farther along on this originally but when I realized the fabric was to small I restarted. The reason all the string is hanging in the front is I was trying my hand at parking. Good instructions for that can be found here  and here. The second link is just crazy, I would never be able to keep track of all those threads. I started to go insane on this mansion one because of the four greens some are super close to each other. This is another daylight project.

 The Happy Halloween Pumpkin half his pumpkin face is done but the fabric was cut to small so I lost my motivation. However theres some vines along the edges I have thought of cutting out if I have room at the top and bottom still. Both these Halloween ones were started because the husbands favorite holiday is Halloween. Mines Christmas and I want to make some stockings but after realizing how many projects I have going those stockings are going to wait.

 Epic Pokemon Gen. I. Thats Blastoise but you can't really tell. Its done on 22 count fabric and the fabric is much larger then shown i just have it all folded up. This bad boy is huge. Its crazy to think that I ever started this and had never even finished a project. I was way to ambitious. If I ever happen to finish this its getting professionally framed.

 This is two days work on the Snow White Discovers the Cottage. Its on 18 count and doesn't look like much work but it seems like I have worked on it for hours. I do take a lot of time double checking the chart though.
This is my restart of the Frog Pile. Once again not far and I was trying parking again. To be fair I had a bit done on my first go around but I messed it up, I was taking it out and ripped a hole in my fabric.  I rather like the parking technique as you get to see the picture come together quicker but as far as I know its best used from top to bottom.

Tree Frog Trio. A small project nice and colorful but still haven't managed to finish this one either. I was doing pretty good on it but I got distracted and went to another project. In all fairness the project I went to  I did actually finish.
Barley any work on this one, you can't even tell what it is but its the Kitty Litter one. This one has a lot of detail and if ever finished shall be given to my mom.
This is the beginning of the butterfly from Twisted Stitches. This one I am actually doing for me. I plan to make appliqué it to a bag when I am done with it, more likely if I get done with it.
 A little black blob. What oh what could it be?? Its the silhouette of the boy and girl with balloons that looks like a skull. I can hardly even tell what way it goes. It does have some stitches so it counts as started.
This is going to be cupcakes. Two cupcakes to be exact and theres only 7 colors in the whole thing. I made the pattern off a picture I found on the inter webs and since I didn't get permission I won't be sharing the pattern unfortunately because I don't wanna step on anyones toes, gotta keep my internet rep ( what little there is) in good standing.

Technically theres at least three more projects I didn't include but they are small ones that can be done in a day or two and I am much to lazy to get my camera back out right now.

So there you have it inter webs pretty much every X I have ever stitched. Sad kinda but hopefully this post of shame will motivate me some to actually finish something. Now to choose what to work on....


  1. Awesome stuff! you should put all of them in a pile from favorite to least favorite and just burn through the pile from top to bottom! and finish the pikachus first, for 2 reasons.
    1) it's the most completed already
    2) cause pikachus are awesomely awesome! =)

    1. Pikachus are awesomely awesome and I can add a third reason I should finish it first. My 5 year wedding anniversary is coming up and my husband would be thrilled to have his pikachus.

      Oh and thanks for following and commenting :D

  2. where did you get the pattern for the pikachu pile?
