Monday, May 7, 2012

The Many Unfinished Projects of Cross Stitch

In my last post I said I would show you all the projects I started and never finished from books, magazines and the interwebs.There's quite a few so be prepared.

The first one I started on my own was a Halloween cross stitch, two actually. I made a very beginner mistake of not cutting the fabric larger then the design dimensions. I got fairly far on one of them before I realized my mistake. I need to do some math and see if there is anything I can cut out to make it work. The other one luckily I hadn't got to far into and used the cross stitch calculator found here to determine the cloth size. I use this calculator to determine the size of my cloth ALL the time.  It saves me from having to worry if my math is correct or forgetting to add in the border or what gets folded behind the frame. The only picture I have of these projects is a poor one but I shall post it anyway.

I was also working on a Pikachu Pile for my husband but it has the same problem as the first two, the fabric doesn't have extra room around the edges. The husband refuses to let me restart it and insists its fine. I disagree and hardly work on it even though its close to being done. This is the picture the pattern is based on. Its super cute and I  would love to finish it but the fact that the fabric isn't large enough to frame it properly upsets me when I work on it.

The MAMMOTH project I mentioned in the previous post was Epic Pokemon Generation I. This project is HUGE but so EPIC. Believe it or not there's actually people on the spritestitch boards that finished it granted it took about a year but still. I haven't even finished one Pokemon yet.

Twisted Stitches by Phil Davison is an awesome cross stitch book with awesome patterns. Now I don't have any pictures of the patterns i am working on because I couldnt find them on the interwebs and I am not going to be the one to put them there. However I shall explain them to you slightly. The first is a picture of what seems to be a skull but upon closer inspection is the silhouette of a boy and girl with balloons on a dock. The second is a butterfly in purple but upon closer inspection there's a skull in each wing. The third is a book mark that looks like a headstone. The bookmark is mostly back stitch but luckily I don't mind it to much.

OH I almost forgot I cross stitched the cutest little gnome for my uncle from Cross Stitcher. I don't remember the issue off hand however.

There I think that's a complete list of all the projects I have going. Ridiculous yes!!!  Between being a slow stitcher and having the attentions span of a gold fish I shall be lucky to have them finished before I die. This should give you an idea of what I like to stitch though especially with the last post, and think this is just ONE of my many crafty hobbies, but I do think its my favorite.

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