Another craft I enjoy doing is making embroidery floss bracelets. They can be as simple as diagonal lines to pictures and names. When I first started making them there wasn't the wealth of info about them that there is now. I think I saw then made on some PBS show went to the website and got the instructions, which weren't all that clear to me at the time and didn't include photos or videos. After figuring the instructions out I was hooked.
One fantastic site for friendship bracelets and tutorials is As far as I am concerned they have everything you could ever want to know on that site and its all FREE!!! Stop on by and check it out if your interested. Once you get the hang of making the bracelets you can even design your own on the sites generators and post them for others.
Another site that has some basic patterns for free is but they give the directions a little different. They sell this and the embroidery floss inside actually comes with it. Its not a lot but enough to get you started. Each slot is numbered and they tell you how to tie the knots according to slot number. However if you don't feel like buying their product (because you don't really need it) use a piece of cardboard and make and number the slots. Tada you now have your own bracelet maker.
Now you can buy a book to teach you how to do this but I'm serious all you need can be found at and pleas let me repeat its all FREE!!! So whether you want to make them yourself or do it with a younger family member to teach them its actually a lot of fun and really simple to get started.
Heres a bracelet I am currently working on. Its from but if you look the same pattern can also be found at Sorry for the bad pictures D:
One other thing is that you don't have to use embroidery floss only for these. You could use yarn or craft thread etc. Yarn would be a great way to make one fast.
I hope you find this info helpful and have fun crafting!
One fantastic site for friendship bracelets and tutorials is As far as I am concerned they have everything you could ever want to know on that site and its all FREE!!! Stop on by and check it out if your interested. Once you get the hang of making the bracelets you can even design your own on the sites generators and post them for others.
Now you can buy a book to teach you how to do this but I'm serious all you need can be found at and pleas let me repeat its all FREE!!! So whether you want to make them yourself or do it with a younger family member to teach them its actually a lot of fun and really simple to get started.
Heres a bracelet I am currently working on. Its from but if you look the same pattern can also be found at Sorry for the bad pictures D:
One other thing is that you don't have to use embroidery floss only for these. You could use yarn or craft thread etc. Yarn would be a great way to make one fast.
I hope you find this info helpful and have fun crafting!
I love to make bracelets for my near and dear ones.And now I'm planning to create such kind of bracelets, as they are so pretty.