Friday, June 15, 2012

Spinning Wheel Fixed...YAY.

My spinning wheel is fixed now and once the part got to me I had no problems. Schacht is fantastic and  they were so nice even though I felt like I was being a pain ( I was basically crying when I left my message to them and was freaking out) and asked tons of questions.

Just because my wheel is fixed doesn't mean I won't be using my spindle (and my trundle when it get here). I joined a spindler group for TdF so have to spin on it anyway plus its way fun.

This has totally nothing to do with crafts but is on a personal level, my DH had surgery and it went well but he won't let me help him and keeps trying to go down the stairs alone (its his right foot that is in a splint now) and he almost fell down the stairs today. He is either going to break his neck or give me a heart attack before this is over.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Ok so I have taken an break from cross stitch. I went to embroidery for a week or two and now I am spinning. Its time for the Tour de Fleece almost. I have only been spinning since January and only a bit of my time has went to that. I have a Schacht Matchless and a Schacht Hi Lo Spindle. I will spin on both for the Tour de Fleece. The Tour de Fleece runs the whole time the Tour de France runs so thats almost a whole month and you set your own goals. Mine are so far to spin every day on either the wheel or the spindle and just get better at it.

I actually got a wheel first and then a spindle. Spinning on the spindle for a couple days has made my drafting so much better I can't wait to see the difference when I get back on my wheel, which is waiting on a new T-knob because the old one was defective.

If you're interested in spinning Ravelry is a great resource to get you started and point you to other resources.